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Analysis of the Status Quo and Future Trends of China's Hardware Market Development

* 來源: * 作者: admin * 發(fā)表時間: 2017-11-30 14:16:00 * 瀏覽: 79

  China's hardware industry has maintained a high-speed development trend since the early 1990s, and it has now become an important global producer of hardware products. However, it is undeniable that China's hardware industry is engaged in product development, innovation, brand management, marketing management, There is a big gap between the company's scale and financial strength and the world's hardware industry. In terms of market share, our country’s share of total international trade is very low, and it is not commensurate with the status of the largest producer of hardware products. The reason is that China's hardware products are still in the low-grade, low-cost primary state. This kind of gap on the one hand has brought heavy resistance to the development of the hardware industry, but also allows us to see a huge market potential, as long as the upgrading of its own technical content, China's hardware products to make bigger and stronger road is still wide.

  With the acceleration of China's integration into the global economic environment and the rapid rise of economic strength, China has become the most dynamic economic region in the world. China's economic facilities are relatively complete, its industrial development is relatively mature, and its labor costs are relatively low. It has the comparative advantage of becoming a global hardware manufacturing center, and its outward-oriented development characteristics are obvious.

  The strengthening of the status of the center was first manifested in the overall growth of hardware product exports in recent years: the growth rate of the export of major hardware products was higher than the growth rate of production, higher than the growth rate of sales in the domestic market; the major hardware and electrical products were fully developed, not only The traditional export categories of electric tools, hand tools, and architectural hardware products have seen high growth, and the export growth rate of kitchen electric products and sanitary ware products that previously had a relatively small share of exports was also significant in 2004. The huge market and central position attraction will further attract the transfer of manufacturing centers of hardware multinational companies to China.

  In recent years, with the outbreak of the Chinese real estate market, the real estate industry has experienced unpredictable rapid growth. The hardware industry is constantly being matured in the real estate army. The total output value of China's hardware industry is higher than that of the home appliance industry, and it is growing at a high rate of 20% annually. And with the improvement of people's living standards, the brand hardware enters the ordinary people's home, especially the hardware brand door locks and other products are particularly strong demand.

  Thanks to the economic stimulus plan, the domestic economy, and international trade and the real estate industry, the demand for a large number of hardware components has been booming and the scale has expanded rapidly. In the past seven years, the sales revenue of China's metal products industry has increased year by year, the growth rate has remained above 14%, and the market scale has continued to expand. China's hardware manufacturing industry will reach the international advanced level as a whole. China has more than 10 billion US dollars worth of hardware products exported every year. With the improvement of the economic environment and the overall competitiveness of domestic hardware companies, this figure is still growing. The potential for development of the hardware products industry is huge, among them, door locks, handles and other individual categories. The market capacity is about 100 billion yuan. And with the government's plans to stimulate domestic demand, the hardware market will have a very promising growth prospect.

  With the current development of domestic brand economy, brand hardware gains more profits.